The View From Here

I have practiced Family Law in Orange County for over 17 years. I’ve been a single Mother, raised teenagers, lead Girl Scouts, held a positions on the Little League Board and PTA when they were younger. I love politics and ran for political office in 2010. I'm currently elected to represent the 55th A.D. on the OCGOP Central Committee. I have learned from politics, litigation and parenting, that there is almost always some greater good to be pursued and fought for, and that there are many important things in life that can not be purchased. I have learned that my own voice is far too valuable to compromise. In my professional life, I have been with people in the midst of their most life altering and dark moments. I have traveled a path of transformation with them and right beside them. On this blog, I candidly share some of the mysteries that have been revealed to me in the context of my different roles in life. May these thoughts and experiences illuminate the paths of others as they have mine.

My words to live by:
Live by the sword, die by the sword. Never confuse reasonableness with weakness. Always believe you can lose. Judges are human and appeals are expensive. Peace is priceless.

“What if” and “If only” are phrases I work hard to keep out of my vocabulary. (Yesterday is forgiven, Tomorrow is not promised)

Judge not, that ye be not judged, Matthew 7:1. We each have our own journey.

Thursday, March 7, 2013


Change is not evil or good, change is just life. The earth turns around again. The sun goes down and comes up again. Tomorrow is different than today, and today is different than yesterday. You are different, the world is different, than it was, even when you started reading this. You can not stop or prevent it. Things change.

A few weeks ago, the universe of my backyard changed forever.

Since our German Shephard puppy, Diesel, arrived about a year ago, my little terriers have been able to escape his puppy harassment by leaping up onto the four foot high retaining wall, and hiding out, on the slope above. I’m not sure how, but Diesel recently realized, that he has gotten big and strong enough to leap up onto the slope himself. The little doggies knew very little peace in that first few weeks that their safe haven had been violated by this giant baby dog.

What has transpired though, has been mildly inspirational to me. Of course my worry was that the incessant barking of Diesel chasing the little dogs around on the slope, would be unending. Well, it is ongoing, and recurring, but there are those amazing moments when I catch all three of them sunning themselves on the patio in the afternoon sun. Amazingly cute, peaceful bliss, all laying together. What has transpired is a more tolerant, more congenial and closer relation between the three. They can’t get away from him, so they have all had to deal with each other. He even managed to squeeze into their bed with one of them this evening. They have to tolerate his harassment, but they all tire out together and have learned to get out of the way of his enormous feet when they are all chasing a cat together. Adaptation, occurring right before my eyes.

The funny thing about us as humans is with our ability to choose, we can create our own adaptations.

We can choose change. We can roll with change. We can resist change. We must cope with change, because, like it or not, it is coming, but our coping mechanism, which one we will utilize, is uniquely within our own power.

The sun will come up tomorrow. Slightly different than it did today, greeting a slightly different you than it did today. We can greet the changed day with recalcitrance and obstinance, resisting its difference than the days we already knew. We can greet it with acceptance, with gratitude, flow with the newness and ferret out even more newness, or stagnate and grieve the loss of that day that we already knew and understood.

It’s a fundamental philosophy of life, I know. I seem to find myself constantly struggling against those who hold fast to sameness, and view the embracing of constancy as a moral battle. So, I will choose. I will embrace the change and the newness, encourage newness when I see the opportunity, and accept those who cling to the past and the loss of sameness. If my little doggies can adapt and find bliss in a new world order, then certainly I can too.

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